The Still Small Voice
“Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’ “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’
Matthew 25:44-45
When Brenda Bla ck (co-author of “I Stand”) was packing for a la dies retreat, where she was speaking about Godly parenting, she had no idea God needed her to deliver a gift for someone. She had a special bible geared towards unwed mothers that she kept packing and then unpacking, she just didn’t feel she would need it at this retreat. In spite of her certainty that she wouldn’t need it, she had that gnawing feeling there could be a God appointment lining its self up and she should pack the bible anyway.
At the end of the session, several times she was drawn to a young la dy, who was in tears. It didn’t take long for Brenda to figure out the special Bible was a gift from God, intended for this young la dy.
Staying in touch with God is how we learn to hear His voice. He can use us at a moment’s notice or he can use us to be a delivery person or even an agent of mercy. We must be able to hear Him. This is accomplished by talking to Him and reading His word on a regula r basis.
Brenda regula rly keeps her “God appointments” as she calls them. She never knows when or how they will flow into her schedule, but she stays in tune to make sure she can hear the nudge. To the untrained eyes and ears, it could simply be a person sitting by their self. To Brenda’s God trained eyes and ears, she listens to the voice inside and will introduce herself, feeling the leading of a God appointment. More often than not, following that silent voice inside of her allows God to touch people through her.
God works through us in many different ways, small and la rge. You are part of the body of Christ when you obey His voice and extend a caring hand, comforting shoulder, prayer, or ear for someone in need.
Lord, help me to always hear Your nudge, I want to follow your leading, please, help me to do so.
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