Saturday, December 29, 2012

Great Loss

Great Loss

 We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord
Romans 15:2
The tears fell down her cheeks far too many times for the same reason, the loss of a baby, a baby not yet born, a miscarriage.  Why?  Why does this always happen to me she begged God to reveal.   The hurt and pain were almost too much at times and she felt she could never get through another episode that was now all too familiar.  Three times in three years, she suffered miscarriages three different ways, one almost took her life.

The last and final episode that almost took Abby’s life, due to an ectopic pregnancy, was by far the most difficult.  She heard the heart beat and all of the nurses told her it was a normal pregnancy.  These issues combined with the fact that she used fertility drugs to help her get pregnant only fueled her depression.  Her sorrow lasted long after her four day hospital stay where she healed after the horrific experience. 

Later that year, her family suffered another loss, her husband’s brother died in a car accident.  It was shortly after that, after stopping the fertility treatments that she turned up pregnant and stayed that way.  “God knew when we needed some joy and something to look forward to,” she said while contemplating the turn of events.   

Abby recently returned a call to a friend who texted her. The confusion and pain in her friends’ voice propelled Abby to accompany her friend to the hospital.  While there, she held her friend’s hand while she experienced a miscarriage, just as Abby previously had.   Abby now realizes that while God doesn’t make bad things happen, he can use bad things for something good.  Abby believes her extreme experiences with miscarriage are so she can be an extension of God’s love and compassion for others going through the same thing.   Through your experiences, can God use you in this way?

Dear Lord, help me to use my hardships to help build other people up.  Show me how I can be an extension of You to assist another person going through a difficult time.

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